
Cinema has become one of the most popular sources of entertainment and enlightenment today. Cinema has a great educative value. A student can acquire permanent knowledge about a certain thing if he is able to read as well as see that thing. Knowledge thus acquired, would have an everlasting impression on his mind. We read so many things but when we are able to see those very things on the screen, they are imprinted on our minds. In the cinema hall, we get knowledge of foreign countries even if we do not have time or money to visit them. We come to know about their way of life, cultures and traditions. Cinema also helps the students in learning history, geography and science. It teaches these dry subjects in a fascinating manner, the TV and cinema professionals teach us about these subjects, by showing the movies with different examples and thus even the youngsters remember the same quite explicitly. This is only the bright side of the picture. Now, let us turn our eyes to its dark aspect as well. Every rose has a thorn as well. It is painful to note that now film industry has become a money-making industry. Film producers worship money and pay scant attention to the ethical side of cinema. Modern movies have polluted the mind of young boys and girls.

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