Now let’s really challenge agent detergent, using newly soiled strings.
Things Required:
Jars with water and detergent-water solution from the last experiment
More short strings
Substances to soil strings:
Grease, Oil, Dirt, Jam, Juice, Spoon
Soil the pairs of strings in juice, grease, dirt, oil, ketchup, mustard or whatever you have, and drop one of each pair into each jar or glass. Stir the contents of each container. After ten minutes, remove the strings from the jars.
This Is What Happens:
The strings in the detergent-water solution appear cleaner, while the strings in the glass of plain water do not.
Science Behind It:
Again, the emulsifying effect of the detergent in the water thoroughly soaks the strings and easily lifts the dirt from them. This is seen by the now discoloured water in the detergent-water solution.