There are times when customers fail to make payments within the stipulated time. In such cases, one has to send reminders to customers. Such customers may be of there types:
Good Credit Customers : These are the ones who pay up promptly, and scarcely need any reminder.
Fair Credit Customers : These are the ones who fall behind in payments and await few reminders before clearing dues.
Poor Credit Customers : These are the most difficult to tackle with. They need to be reminded repeatedly, until the money is finally realized from them.
1. Letter for usual collection:
Dear Sir,
You have always been very prompt in settling your accounts. And we hope this bill also receives a similar response. In view of our cordial business relations, it is necessary to get our previous accounts settled.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Pawan Kumar
2. Letter for collection (1):
Dear Sirs,
While checking our accounts we find there is a balance of Rs. 25,737/- due from you for purchases made on August 20. As you well known, collecting payment is an important part of any business. Your immediate attention in this regards, would be appreciated.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Nathu Ram Agarwal
3. Collection letter (2):
Dear Sir,
We are enclosing an itemised statement covering your March purchases which amount Rs.21,750/-. This sum is considerably past due date and requires your immediate attention. Since our bills are due and payable in full on the first of each month. Your cheque is now somewhat overdue. We are awaiting payment.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Budha Dev
4. Collection letter (3):
Dear Sirs,
Our credit department wrote to you concerning payment of your July purchase. Which amounts to Rs 15,000/- on September 2nd, and again on September 30, then once again on October 15, with no reply from your end. We have tried to be cooperative in this matter and had expected that you would have sent us your cheque by this time. However, when an account such as yours runs so long past its due date, and without your giving any reason, there is not alternative left with us but to place your account in the hands of our attorneys for collection.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Suresh Sharma
5. Letter for requesting extension of time:
Dear Sir,
In reply to your letter dated 15th November, I wish to express my regret at being unable to settle my account, despite my anxiousness to do so. In the meantime. I must ask you for more time, untill I am on my feet again, financially. I assure you that as soon as I am able to pay I shall do so, and remain ever grateful to you for the help rendered to me when I needed it most.
Thanking you
Sincerely yours
Surendra Singh
6. Positive reply for above letter:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your frank letter of November 25, explaining why you have not paid your account for in difficulties, we appreciate your writing to us frankly. We are sure that given a little time, you will be back on you feet. Just sign the note enclosed and return it to us promptly.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Suresh Sharma
7. Negative reply :
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your frank letter of 25th November, explaining why you have not paid your account for March, that good for business relation but I am very sorry to write it, I am also facing crisis in business. We hope that you will settle the account today with my representative.
Thanking you
Very truly yours
Suresh Sharma
8. Letter threatening to take legal action after granting extension of time :
Dear Miss Ropa,
An enclosed statement of your account which has been running for the past five month. I agreed to extend the account upon the representations made to me by you two months earlier, but I must notify you that no further credit will be allowed and I demand immediate settlement of your account. If you fail to do so, I shall be compelled to place the matter in the hands of my attorney, with instructions to start legal proceedings against you.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Mahendra Gupta
9. Letter of customer for settling account:
Dear Sirs,
I am in receipt of your letter dated January 29, 2005, and also one from your attorney, Mr. Praveen Bhalla, dated February 6. I should have answered sooner but I was out of town. I am, with great pleasure, enclosing a cheque for Rs. 2,77,989/- in full and final settlement of my account with you. I was facing some financial problems, which I should have told you about earlier, so that this misunderstanding could have been prevented. However, I have no reason to complain, and every reason to feel grateful for the courteous and considerate treatment which I have received from you.
Thanking you
Yours truly
S. A. Swamy