Colourful Carrot (Biology Experiments)

Unlike green and red vegetables, carrots do not lose their colour when cooked in water!
Things Required:
1 or 2 carrots, peeled and sliced
Pot of water

Bring a cup of water to the boiling point.
With a large spoon, lower the carrot slices into the pot of boiling water. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes.

This Is What Happens:
Carrots remain orange, but you now can pierce them with a fork.
Science Behind It:
Though they dissolve in fat, the colouring matter of carrots (carotenes) does not dissolve in water and is not affected by the normal heat of cooking. The carrots, therefore, stay orange.
Because heat dissolves some of the fibre (the hemicellulose) in the stiff carrot walls, cooked carrots are easier to digest and more nutritious than raw carrots. Cooked or raw, carrots are a good source of both vitamin A and the mineral potassium.

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