Comforting Talk

In order to comfort Yudhishthira and make him realise that he was not the only person suffering in the world, Brihadashwa told him the story of King Nala of Nishada. He too had been cheated of his kingdom and wealth in a game of dice and sent into exile. There were no brothers or friends to support him in the forest. He also lost his senses and, leaving his wife, wandered in the forest as a mad man. He told him that Nala’s sufferings were far greater than those of Yudhishthira. Yudhishthira had the company of his brothers and his wife, all of whom were devoted to him. He could discuss spiritual matters with learned sages and teachers. His friends and relatives visited and supported him. Yudhishthira understood that it is natural to feel some self-pity, but it is important to keep a steady mind during the suffering of any kind.

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