
A computer is an electronic device that is used to perform repetitive calculations at very high speeds. The computer acts as a data processing device also stores large amounts of data. This data could be text, pictures, voice, numbers, photographs and other types of information that are used by humans in their day-to-day operations. Life cannot be imagined without computers. In fact, the new millennium is the era of computers and is associated techniques, commonly known as Information Technology (IT). Computers help the school children learn new techniques of study, graphic designs, games and other useful educational applications. They help the college students in preparing reports. They help the office executives in accounts, software development, sales invoicing and manufacturing. They help the libraries in the efficient management of their operations. They run the factories and equipment. They control the satellites and nuclear weapons. They help the young and the old surf through the Internet sites. They are, in fact, indispensable as every operation of human life is incomplete and inefficient without them.
Millennium – a period of 1,000 years, Indispensable – essential

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