Practical Nature (Fire Dominated)
The conical face is having trapezium shape. It is broad at one side and another side is narrow, but the shape is not round. The persons having conical face are dominated by fire element. Such persons are furious due to dominance of fire element. They are impatient, furious to without any mistake of others, irritable and unable to judge good or bad for self and others when they are angry. It is just common to throw, destroy the things on being angry. The constitution of their body is normal. Skinny cheek, broad forehead with full of wavy lines, lean body, fickle reddish eyes are some characteristics found in these persons.
Spiritual traits are dominantly found in their character and nature. Their desires are immortal or of spiritual nature. They are not happy with materialistic things, grandeur or luxury. They want to devote themselves to the Almighty and achieve divine pleasure and bliss.
Such persons are impressive and attractive and draw the attention of everybody. Their body is always fit and balanced. They are having a unique working capacity. Social, cultural, educational and scientific institutes are the creation of such persons. They are highly ambitious and visionary. They get grand success in the field of religion, culture, philosophy, literature, and spiritualism. Their works are spontaneously accomplished by the favour of Almighty. Such persons always employ themselves to their goals and exhibit their extraordinary efficiency, dedication and virtues. Simplicity, truthfulness, sophistication, innateness, kindness, generosity are the integrated part of their nature.
Such persons do not do any work for only materialistic desire, affection or greed. They are composed by nature and lead their lives with simplicity remaining away from deceit and luxury. Such persons do not like to live on mercy of others; on the contrary they choose their way themselves. They know the mystery of nature, could be, inventors, astrologists, tantriks, sages, physicians, and philosophers. They also possess knowledge about secret branches of learning. Luminous personality, innocent eyes and amiable nature are the characteristics of them. They dedicate their lives for the welfare or service of mankind. Such great persons are born to do some extraordinary works and become icons during that period. They also get adequate respect, veneration and fame. Such persons are remembered for their great deeds even after their death. Types of conical faces have been shown in figure 16.

Types of the Conical Face
1. Positive Conical Face: Positive Conical face is broad towards forehead and comparatively narrow towards chin. The persons having such face are brilliant, scientific minded and logical. They give preference to the logic rather than customs. They do not habituate to follow the custom fanatically. They always follow logic. They are inquisitive, learned, farsighted, truthful, trustworthy, bold, straight forward, jolly and laborious. Their memory is very sharp.
The persons having positive conical face bring many new researches and inventions to the fore. They adopt updated concepts and are supporter of heroic deeds, self esteemed, having ability of leadership, potent, successful and laborious. They are short tempered due to dominance of fire element as well as their faces are lustrous due to the same. As a result such persons soon impress others. The persons possessing positive conical face never lose their heart and tackle the situation with cleverness and diplomacy. They trust on brain rather than physical strength. Such persons achieve grand success in every field of life. They have few friends and do not like deceit and flattery as well. They dare to criticise others for their mistakes in front of them. This course makes a lot of enemy to them. Such persons have holy mind, but they do not like resistance.
2. Negative Conical Face : Such faces are broad and extensive towards chin, but narrow towards forehead. The shape of such face is like downwards cone. Such faces are considered the symbol of fire in Chinese face reading. The nature of the persons having such faces is outrageous and restless. As being basic zone and portion near the chin extensive and bulky, these persons are having materialistic desire, voluptuous and lustful nature. As being mental zone contracted and narrowed, the person has lack of intellect and understanding. Such persons are highly ambitious about materialism and physical affairs. They are habituated to waste their life and money for show off. To lose the whole in the blind race of materialism is their destiny.
The persons having negative conical face are successful, ambitious, practical and selfish. Such persons are not farsighted. They can not conceal their planning for long. They are fond of eating, luxury, outing and collecting various types of things. It is their nature to harm themselves and others on being furious. Being unbalanced, impatient is their weakness. Such persons mostly work under the impulse.
Having negative conical face mental zone of the persons is narrow and basic zone is very extensive due to being their forehead narrow. Therefore, basic instincts of biological nature are found in such persons in abundance. Such persons assume indulgence in eating and physical desires as the purpose of life and do not hesitate to kill others for satiating their id. They do not understand justice – injustice, right or wrong. Their reasoning and intellectual capacity is also weak. They are furious and having brutal instinct. The person possessing negative conical face belongs to uncivilised and barbarian race. They are void of civilisation and knowledge. Their living standard, food habits, life style etc. come under the category of primitive or undeveloped man’s.