Constant Rainbow (Funky Physics Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Large shallow container
  2. Clear nail polish
  3. Water
  4. Old newspaper
  5. Black construction paper

Who doesn’t love a rainbow? But these beautiful
occurrences in Nature disappear just as quickly
as they appear. Follow this experiment to
capture the rainbow on paper permanently.


  1. Fill the container with water about half way.
  2. Next, place the black construction paper at the bottom of the container, holding it down for a few seconds so that it may stay in place.
  3. It should be smaller than the container
    so that it may lie flat at the bottom.
  4. Take clear nail polish and very gently drop one drop of clear nail polish onto the surface of the water.
  5. Wait for it to dry. You will know, when it dries, by a slight crinkling around the edges of the polish.
  6. Very gently, lift the construction paper from the bottom so that the dried nail polish drop may settle on the construction paper.
  7. Be careful; it doesn’t slide off the paper. Take the construction paper and place it on an old newspaper to dry.


You will have a rainbow of colours in a circular pattern on the construction
paper. This is a result of light, which travels differently through water and
differently through nail polish. Because of the nail polish layer, the light travels
slowly through it, into the water. Once it has reached the construction
paper, it reflects off it and back towards the layer of nail polish.

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