You will need:
- Piece of uncooked meat, (preferably a hot dog)
- 1 kg of baking soda
- Large container with lid
- Measuring tape
- Disposable gloves
You do not have to go all the way to Egypt to understand about mummification. Instead, learn the science behind it in your very own home.
1. Firstly do not eat the meat after the experiment is complete!
2. Take your hot dog, and measure its length and width before placing it inside the container.
3. Cover the hot dog with more baking soda. Pour baking soda into the container till the hot dog is completely covered.
4. Shut the container and place it in a dark place where it can lie undisturbed for a week.
5. After a week, wear your disposable gloves and remove the hot dog from the container.
6. You will have noticed changes in its appearance, colour and size.
7. Record your findings.
8. Throw away the baking soda and pour in fresh baking soda into the container.
9. Repeat the above process for one more week.
10. After another week (in total 14 days) has passed, wear fresh disposable gloves and remove the hot dog.
Overall, the hot dog would have shrunk in size and shrivelled up. This is the result of baking soda which acts as a desiccant, like Natron used by the Egyptians. A desiccant is a substance which absorbs all the fluid and moisture from its surroundings. Over the span of those 2 weeks, the hot dog loses all its moisture, which is absorbed by the baking soda.