Once a cap seller was passing through a forest.

After the long journey the tired cap seller sat under a shady tree to take rest.

Soon the cap seller fell into deep sleep.

Seeing the cap seller sleeping the naughty monkeys took out
caps from his bag.

When the cap seller woke up he saw his bag empty.

He looked up and found monkeys on the tree with caps on their heads.

The angry cap seller picked up a stone and threw it towards the monkeys.

The monkeys in reply plucked fruits and threw them at the cap seller.

Cap seller quickly thought of a plan. He understood that monkeys
are copycats.

Cap seller took off his cap from his head and threw it down.

Copycat monkeys also took their caps off and threw them down on the ground.

In this way the cap seller got his caps back.

A hungry dog found a big bone somewhere.

Grabbing the bone in its mouth the dog ran to a bridge over the river.

The dog saw its image in the water of the river.

The dog thought that another dog with a bone is in the water.

Dog growled at its reflection to terrorise the other dog and get its bone too.

He saw his image growling back and thought the other dog was challenging it.

As dog opened its jaws to bark, the bone it held fell into the river.

Dog tried to take out the bone using its paw, but failed.

It thought that the dog in the river had taken its bone and it started barking
at his own reflection.

And it went away sad and hungry.

Due to greed the dog lost the bone it had.
Moral : Greed is always harmful.