Country Man and City Wife

Once, a country man married a city woman. His wife stole money from his pocket and bought knickknacks for herself. So, whenever she would steal money, she would be nice to him. However, on other days, she would be rude to him. The young man was disturbed by his wife’s behaviour. Soon, he came to know that she was stealing money from him to buy useless things. The young man used to follow a Bodhisattva. One day, he visited the Bodhisattva and told him about his wife. The Bodhisattva explained, “There is no use trying to change someone’s nature. Accept your wife the way she is.” The young man followed the Bodhisattva’s advice and treated his wife kindly. When his wife saw that her husband was kind to her even when she was rude to him, she stopped stealing and became loving.

Moral: Acceptance makes things better.

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