Many years ago, bluebirds were white in colour. One day, a bluebird and his grandfather saw a beautiful blue lake. He stopped and asked, “Grandfather, can I be as blue as that lake?” His grandfather gave him a song to sing and said, “If you dive in this lake for five mornings while singing this song, you will turn blue.” The bluebird did so and became blue. The coyote saw this and requested the bluebird, “Please teach me your song.” The coyote also learnt the song and did as told. The coyote also turned blue after five days. So, the coyote strutted about in the forest, looking around to make sure all the other animals could see his colour. But he paid no attention to where he was going. Unfortunately, he ran into a tree, fell down into a mud pit, rolled around and came out brown! This is how bluebirds are blue and coyotes are muddy brown in colour.
The Coyote Gets Brown Colour