Craze For Foreign Goods

We Indians are madly after foreign clothes, foreign manners, foreign food, foreign education and what not? The sweet Indian music is considered to be inferior disco and Jazz. Speaking a foreign language has become a fashion. The young would like to work as labourers in America instead of taking up a good job in their own country. People deliberately surround themselves with foreign goods. The imported crystal chandeliers and gilded furniture are some of the objects, which decorate their homes and restaurants must have bewitching singer who may wear a skin tight, a strapless flashy gown, provocative waistcoat or even baggy trousers so that she would look like a Persian Princess or a yankee American. Some celebrate the Chinese New Year in Chinese style in restaurant that has, for its name, the title of a song from an old Hollywood movie. The menus include Chinese, Japenese, American and Arabian delicacies. People want the hotels to organize Mexican, Swiss and French nights. The decorations, the music and event the chefs are imported.
Deliberately – intentionally, Decorate – beautify

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