Once, a merchant was ready to set out on a journey. He asked his three daughters, “What gifts do you all want?” The eldest daughter asked for a golden crown, and the second one requested a crystal mirror. The youngest daughter asked only for the little crimson flower. The merchant set out on his journey. Soon, he found a beautiful golden crown and a fine crystal mirror. As for the crimson flower, he had to search a lot. He reached a magical forest. Deep inside, he found a palace in whose courtyard grew beautiful crimson flowers. Carefully, the merchant plucked the flower. As soon as he plucked it, a gruesome beast appeared in front of him and demanded that in return of the flower, the merchant must send one of his daughters to live with the beast. The merchant went home and told the whole story.

The Beast Turns into a Prince
The youngest daughter agreed to go and live with the beast. For some time, she lived happily with the beast. The beast had not revealed himself, and took great care of her. One day, she asked him to reveal himself. Though reluctant, the beast revealed himself. The girl was terrified to see him. That night, in a dream she saw her father falling ill. She requested the beast to let her go, so that she might find her dying father. The beast released her but kept the condition that she had to return in three days. The girl met her father, and prepared to return to the beast. But she was late. She saw the beast lying dead with her crimson flower. The girl embraced the dead beast, and declared her love. The evil spell was broken and the beast woke up and turned into a handsome prince. The girl felt elated. They lived happily ever after.