Crossing the Red Sea

Moses did just as God had told him; He lifted his stick high over the Sea of Reeds. A strong east wind began to blow. It whipped up the waters of the lake into a bank on either side, leaving a clear pathway through the sea. As night fell, the cloud’s fiery glow gave light to guide the Israelites across the lake. Quickly the people gathered together their children and flocks and began to file across the path through the sea. All night they marched steadily across. By this time the Egyptian horses and chariots were almost on their heels. They began to crash recklessly after the lost slaves. But the wheels of their chariots soon clogged and stuck in the bottom of the lake. The drivers urged on their horses, but in vain. The wheels only skidded and lodged fast. As morning dawned, the last of the Israelites had safely reached the other side of the sea.

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