Crystal Christmas Trees

You will need:

  1. Sponge
  2. 6 tablespoonfuls of water
  3. 6 tablespoonfuls of salt
  4. 6 tablespoonfuls of Ujala
    or Robin (Detergent liquid bluing)
  5. 1 tablespoonful of
  6. Shallow dish
  7. Glue or tape

Create your very own miniature Christmas tree which looks like it is covered in snow. Follow this simple experiment.


  1. Firstly, make the magic solution by dissolving salt into the water, and adding the bluing liquid (like Ujala or Robin) and ammonia to the salt water.
  2. Take the sponge and cut it in the shape of a Christmas tree and place it in a shallow dish.
  3. Stick it with glue or tape at the bottom to make it stand upright.
  4. Now pour the magic solution onto the tree slowly till all the liquid is absorbed by the tree.
  5. Leave the tree and the dish undisturbed for an entire day.


After a day, you should have your very own crystal tree. As the water in the solution starts to evaporate, it leaves behind crystal deposits on the sponge, creating the illusion of leaves.

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