Brahma realised that the sages were making a genuine complaint. Hanuman was wasting his hidden talent by doing such mischief. So, Brahma thought of teaching him a lesson. ‘Hanuman’s birth has a purpose. He is to help Ram in future. He is going to be the great saviour in Ram’s life. I have to pacify him so that he may use his energy in the right direction. Though I cannot take away his boons yet I can devise a way to calm him down,’ Brahma thought. Brahma placed a mild curse on Hanuman. “Hanuman, you shall forget your special powers from now on. When the suitable time comes, someone will help you recollect your powers.” The curse made Hanuman to mellow down. He became sincerely involved in meditation and studies. Much later, it was Jambvan, the king of bears, who reminded Hanuman of his strength and prompted him to fly across the ocean to search for Sita.
Curse on Lord Hanuman