Customs, Practices and Traditions

Customs & Rituals

The term Custom comes from the Latin word Consuetudinem, meaning ‘habit’; while the term Ritual comes from the Latin word Ritualis, meaning (religious) rites. Traditions are the customs that are passed down from one generation to another.

All three–customs, rituals and traditions–are extremely important to reinforce social bonds and structures. Customs and rituals are essentially forms of social behaviour that are unique to each culture. These customs, rituals and traditions have specific purpose in society.

How do these Customs and Rituals impact us?

Man is a social animal and cannot survive without society. In every society, there are certain norms and practices that have existed since man began living in organized societies or have originated in the last few centuries. Customs and rituals form bonds within societies and help mark the various stages of individual life.

All these customs have a cultural purpose–be it a coming of age ceremony or a wedding ritual/custom. Understanding the customs and practices of different cultures help broaden our perspective and give us a better understanding of the various types of cultures existing around the world. They help us to keep an open mind about people, places and practices.

Why is it important to read this book?

When we speak of cultures and rituals, there is no right or wrong. From birth till death, an individual is expected to follow various rituals as expected from him by society. Each one of us is accustomed to traditions that have been ingrained in us since we were old enough to understand them. But, this stands true for every human being on the planet. It is important to read this book so as to broaden one’s viewpoint about the varying customs and rituals that exist in the world.

While our own wedding customs may seem perfectly normal to us, for an outsider, these customs are unknown and alien. This book aims at acquainting the reader with various customs.

Can rituals from the world over really make a difference in our life?

Yes! Studies have shown that young minds are highly impressionable. What you learn and see around you, affects you throughout your life. This book aims at creating a positive impact on young readers so that their minds may be broadened and they may learn to see the world with its million different customs, rituals, traditions and practices as unique and interesting.

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