“We should know who the friends are. Can they stand behind the enemy?” advised Damanaka. “If Hefty were to come to you with his head lowered as if to gore you, then you would know he is your enemy, wouldn’t you?” said Damanaka. When the king agreed, Damanaka went to Hefty, looking worried. “What is the matter, Damanaka?” asked Hefty, seeing his friend’s face. The deceptive Damanaka said, “I am in such distress! On one hand is my king whom I must be loyal to. And on the other hand, you are my friend. I don’t know what to do.” He sighed as Hefty waited. “I suppose I have to make up my mind,” he said, “I should not share the king’s secret with anyone, but you have trusted me as a friend. So I should tell you the truth, my friend.”
Damanaka Misguides Hefty