Daniel’s Dream Giant

Ding-dong-ding! Rang the grandfather clock at midnight. Thump! Thump! Thump! Thundered Grisly Guy’s footsteps as he came to town. Bang-bang-bang! He opened the door! Ha-ha-ha, he laughed loudly. Slurp-slurp-slurp! He smacked his lips! Ding-dong-ding! Bellowed the clock again. “Oh Mom, the giant has come to eat me,” Daniel shrieked. “Wake up! Wake up, Daniel. It’s time to get ready for school,” shouted his mother. “What happened!” asked his mother and hugged Daniel. “Where is the giant?” Daniel asked her rubbing his sleepy eyes. “The giant was in your dreams, Daniel.” she smiled. “Ohhhh,” Daniel thought, “But what if Grisly Guy returns again?” This time Daniel decided to give him a tough fight in his dreams and packed his bags to go to school.

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