Death of Chips’s Wife and Child

Chapter 5

And so it stood, a warm and vivid patch in his life, casting a radiance that glowed in a thousand recollections. Twilight at Mrs. Wickett’s, when the School bell clanged for call-over, brought them back to him in a cloud—Katherine scampering along the stone corridors, laughing beside him at some “howler” in an essay he was marking, taking the cello part in a Mozart trio for the School concert, her creamy arm sweeping over the brown sheen of the instrument. She had been a good player and a fine musician. And Katherine furred and muffed for the December house matches, Katherine at the Garden Party that followed Speech Day Prize-giving, Katherine tendering her advice in any little problem that arose. Good advice, too—which he did not always take, but which always influenced him.

“Chips, dear, I’d let them off if I were you. After all, it’s nothing very serious.”

“I know. I’d like to let them off, but if I do I’m afraid they’ll do it again.”

“Try telling them that, frankly, and give them the chance.”
“I might.”
And there were other things, occasionally, that were serious.

“You know, Chips, having all these hundreds of boys cooped up here is really an unnatural arrangement, when you come to think about it. So that when anything does occur that oughtn’t to, don’t you think it’s a bit unfair to come down on them as if it were their own fault for being here?”

“Don’t know about that, Kathie, but I do know that for everybody’s sake we have to be pretty strict about this sort of thing. One black sheep can contaminate others.”
“After he himself has been contaminated to begin with. After all, that’s what probably did happen, isn’t it?”

“Maybe. We can’t help it. Anyhow, I believe Brookfield is better than a lot of other schools. All the more reason to keep it so.”

“But this boy, Chips . . . you’re going to sack him?”
“The Head probably will, when I tell him.”
“And you’re going to tell the Head?”
“It’s a duty, I’m afraid.”

“Oh, he’s all right.”
“Then, Chips dear, don’t you think there ought to be some other way. . . .”

And so on. About once in ten times he was adamant and wouldn’t be persuaded. In about half of these exceptional cases he afterward rather wished he had taken her advice. And years later, whenever he had trouble with a boy, he was always at the mercy of a softening wave of reminiscence; the boy would stand there, waiting to be told his punishment, and would see, if he were observant, the brown eyes twinkle into a shine that told him all was well. But he did not guess that at such a moment Chips was remembering something that had happened long before he was born; that Chips was thinking: Young ruffian, I’m hanged if I can think of any reason to let him off, but I’ll bet she would have done!

But she had not always pleaded for leniency. On rather rare occasions she urged severity where Chips was inclined to be forgiving. “I don’t like his type, Chips. He’s too cocksure of himself. If he’s looking for trouble I should certainly let him have it.”

What a host of little incidents, all deep-buried in the past—problems that had once been urgent, arguments that had once been keen, anecdotes that were funny only because one remembered the fun. Did any emotion really matter when the last trace of it had vanished from human memory; and if that were so, what a crowd of emotions clung to him as to their last home before annihilation! He must be kind to them, must treasure them in his mind before their long sleep. That affair of Archer’s resignation, for instance—a queer business, that was. And that affair about the rat that Dunster put in the organ loft while old Ogilvie was taking choir practice. Ogilvie was dead and Dunster drowned at Jutland; of others who had witnessed or heard of the incident, probably most had forgotten. And it had been like that, with other incidents, for centuries. He had a sudden vision of thousands and thousands of boys, from the age of Elizabeth onward; dynasty upon dynasty of masters; long epochs of Brookfield history that had left not even a ghostly record. Who knew why the old fifth-form room was called “the Pit”? There was probably a reason, to begin with; but it had since been lost—lost like the lost books of Livy. And what happened at Brookfield when Cromwell fought at Naseby, near by? How did Brookfield react to the great scare of the “Forty-Five”? Was there a whole holiday when news came of Waterloo? And so on, up to the earliest time that he himself could remember—1870, and Wetherby saying, by way of small talk after their first and only interview: “Looks as if we shall have to settle with the Prussians ourselves one of these fine days, eh?”

When Chips remembered things like this he often felt that he would write them down and make a book of them; and during his years at Mrs. Wickett’s he sometimes went even so far as to make desultory notes in an exercise book. But he was soon brought up against difficulties—the chief one being that writing tired him, both mentally and physically. Somehow, too, his recollections lost much of their flavor when they were written down; that story about Rushton and the sack of potatoes, for instance—it would seem quite tame in print, but Lord, how funny it had been at the time! It was funny, too, to remember it; though perhaps if you didn’t remember Rushton . . . and who would, anyway, after all those years? It was such a long time ago. . . . Mrs. Wickett, did you ever know a fellow named Rushton? Before your time, I dare say . . . went to Burma in some government job . . . or was it Borneo? . . . Very funny fellow, Rushton. . . . And there he was, dreaming again before the fire, dreaming of times and incidents in which he alone could take secret interest. Funny and sad, comic and tragic, they all mixed up in his mind, and some day, however hard it proved, he would sort them out and make a book of them. . . .

And there was always in his mind that spring day in ninety-eight when he had paced through Brookfield village as in some horrifying nightmare, half struggling to escape into an outside world where the sun still shone and where everything had happened differently. Young Faulkner had met him there in the lane outside the School. “Please, sir, may I have the afternoon off? My people are coming up.”

“Eh? What’s that? Oh yes, yes. . . .”
“Can I miss Chapel, too, sir?”
“Yes . . . yes . . .”

“And may I go to the station to meet them?”

He nearly answered: “You can go to blazes for all I care. My wife is dead and my child is dead, and I wish I were dead myself.”

Actually he nodded and stumbled on. He did not want to talk to anybody or to receive condolences; he wanted to get used to things, if he could, before facing the kind words of others. He took his fourth form as usual after call-over, setting them grammar to learn by heart while he himself stayed at his desk in a cold, continuing trance. Suddenly someone said: “Please, sir, there are a lot of letters for you.”

So there were; he had been leaning his elbows on them; they were all addressed to him by name. He tore them open one after the other, but each contained nothing but a blank sheet of paper. He thought in a distant way that it was rather peculiar, but he made no comment; the incident gave hardly an impact upon his vastly greater preoccupations. Not till days afterward did he realize that it had been a piece of April foolery.

They had died on the same day, the mother and the child just born; on April 1, 1898.

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