Death of Kichaka

They went to Matsya and entered the King’s service as planned. Queen Sudeshna’s brother, Kichaka, was the Commander-in-Chief and had immense influence in the kingdom. He was attracted by the beautiful sairandhri. She said her husbands were powerful gandharvas who would kill anyone who troubled her. But Kichaka continued to harass her. He persuaded his sister to help him trap Draupadi. Sudeshna sent Draupadi with a jug of wine to Kichaka’s room. He attacked her. She fled to the court but Kichaka followed her, abusing and kicking her. No one dared oppose him. Draupadi told Bhima that night of the incident. He told Draupadi to act as if she had been consenting to his advances. When Kichaka came into her room, Bhima would kill him. As planned, when Kichaka approached the couch, he found Bhima. They wrestled till Bhima killed him. Draupadi said her gandharva husband had killed Kichaka as she had warned.

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