Death to Prahlada

Prahlada was taught the sublime ways of running a state, managing a kingdom, peaceful way of dealing with enemies, winning people or opponents by giving valuable gifts, creating rifts amongst the enemies to weaken them and lastly use of force as a last resort to conquer an enemy.
Prahlada appeared to have taken a great interest in what the teachers were imparting to him. The gurus thought Prahlada had banished Vishnu from his mind because the boy had not mentioned his name for so many weaks. They were satisfied.
Prahlada by nature was a sweet and obedient boy who respected his teachers. Only his views on Vishnu had frightened his teachers and everyone had become wary of him. The boy could bring trouble to all of them if he had persisted with his devotion to Lord Vishnu. Now the teachers were relaxed as the boy had not brought up the issue of Vishnu for a long time.
Meanwhile one day king Hiranyakashipu felt like meeting his son Prahlada who had been away from the palace in the gurukul for a considerable time. He also wanted to see how much progress his son had made in education and what he had learnt. He hoped education must have banished the arrogance from his mind and he no more was devoted to the enemy of the demons. The king got a messenger sent to the gurukul to fetch Prahlada.
The arrival of the royal messenger caused panic amongst the teachers. Although Prahlada had not talked about Vishnu for a long time yet there was no guarantee that he wouldn’t do so before his father, the demon lord. If Prahlada again blurted out the admiration for Lord Vishnu, the gurukul could be in trouble. But they were all helpless because under no pretext they could hold back Prahlada at gurukul. They were resigned to their fate and saw Prahlada going away with the royal messenger. They just hoped and prayed for the best. Guru Shanda and Amarka accompanied the boy to mend minor faults.
Meanwhile, Prahlada reached the palace and went to his mother first of all with his gurus. Shanda said, “Queen Kayadhu, we have been able to displace the thoughts of Vishnu from the mind of our Prahlada. But if he still starts singing the praises of Vishnu we will be in trouble inspite of our best and honest efforts.”
The queen said worriedly, “Respected sir, my Prahlada will only say whatever you have put in his mind as education. How can he have anything else in his mind?”
“Honourable Queen, that is what puzzles us all. In our gurukul no one ever mentions Vishnu, there is no talk about him. The idea of Vishnu has not come into the mind of Prahlada at gurukul. That is for certain. So, how would he become a devotee of Vishnu?”
The queen said, “If this time too Prahlada utters something in praise of Vishnu before the demon king I shudder to think of the consequences.”
“Honourable queen, that is why we brought Prahlada to you before taking him to the king. If Prahlada starts singing prayers of Vishnu we shall also get our share of the fury of the king. We must plead with Prahlada not to reveal his devotion to Vishnu before the king. And in it lies his and our interest.”
“Respected gurus, I will ask Prahlada to be careful not to sing praises of Vishnu before the king to save us all from his ire. Don’t worry. I will do my best.
Then, the queen picked up her son to put him in her lap. She kissed and fondled her baby saying words of endearment. She talked to him like she used to do when Prahlada was an infant. She wished to keep her son with her for ever and talk to him that meant nothing literally but emotionally everything. Kayadhu did not want her son to go to his father for fear of Vishnu matter. But sooner or later Prahlada had to be led to his father whatever the consequences would be.
Queen Kayadhu said to her son a lot of things trying to displace Vishnu from his mind. She dressed Prahlada in princely attire and fed him royal delicacies talking to him all the time to keep his mind busy away from the thoughts of Vishnu. After a lot of such deliberations she took Prahlada to the court when messenger arrived to say the demon lord wanted to meet his son.
The demon lord Hiranyakashipu sat on his gem studded golden throne. Around him sat other demon lords and dignitaries in their appointed seats.
Queen Kayadhu made her obeisance to the king as the tradition demanded.
Prahlada also let go of the finger of his mother he was holding and moved forward towards the throne of the king as the sire lovingly looked at his son. The son touched the feet of his sire and offered his salutations.
The respectful behaviour of his son delighted Hiranyakashipu. He asked his son to get closer to him. When the boy did his father took him in his arms and hugged overwhelmed with emotions.
The scene of the union of her son and master pleased her, with some satisfaction she walked to her own throne and sat gracefully.
“My dear son, Prahlada,” Hiranyakashipu softly addressed his son.
“Yes father,” the boy responded dutifuly.
“You have been at the gurukul for a long time now,” the demon lord patted the back of his son and asked, “What is the most sublime knowledge you think you have gained so far?”
Prahlada who was still in the lap of his father spoke fearlessly,” The most sublime knowledge is to hear the name of Lord Vishnu, spell his name from own lips, worshipping him, thinking of his greatness and investing one’s mind in the thoughts of Lord.”
The entire assemblage of demons sat in a shock. Queen Kayadhu turned pale. The dark face of the demon lord Hiranyakashipu turned darker. In anger his blood boiled and the body seethed. The gurus were also in the court. A chill went down their spines.
The demon lord thundered, “You cheating and betraying gurus of the gurukul! What rubbish have you taught our son? The boy sings praises of our arch enemy. Have you taught that to Prahlada? You have poisoned the mind of our son. Have you forgotten what I could do to you for this treachery?”
“My Lord,” both the gurus got up and spoke in one voice, ” No such education is imparted in our gurukul. We swear upon our souls that whatever Prahlada is saying has no connection with us or our school. You may find out the truth from the boy himself.”
Hiranyakashipu felt there was a ray of truth in whatever the gurus were praying. He was no more angry with them.
To his son Prahlada, the demon lord said, “Degenerate boy! Don’t you feel ashamed of singing praises of our enemy in our face? Tell me who put that rubbish about Vishnu in your mind?”
“Father, there is nothing in what I say to feel ashamed of but carrying on animus thoughts about Lord Vishnu is no good. He is the master of the universe. By his grace the entire creation exists. And these things I did not learn at gurukul. My devotion to Lord Vishnu and thoughts on him are inborn. In this respect my soul guides me.”
“Shut up, you traitor! You are born in demonic race yet you love that patron of the gods! What a shame! How dare you call him master of universe!”
In anger Hiranyakashipu pushed Prahlada off his lap.” Master of the universe you call the one who hides somewhere frightened of my power! We are the master of the universe who has won all the three worlds, a domains and ten directions. There is no challenge to us from anywhere. Can’t you see a simple fact like that?”
“Father, you have won the three worlds but did not create them. You may be a conqueror but not the creator.”
The claim of Prahlada hit the demon lord like a thunderbolt. Within his own self Hiranyakashipu felt lava of anger building up. To let the steam off he roared like thousand lions that made the court walls tremble. The roar echoed through the worlds. Queen Kayadhu sat stunned. The other demons looked frightened. But Prahlada stood defiantly before his father without any trace of fear on his face.
To demonic guards Hiranyakashipu ordered, “Take this traitor of the demonic race away from my sight and put him to death. No mercy he deserves. Take him away!”
Queen Kayadhu shivered. Tears streamed off her eyes and she begged, “Master! Please master, don’t order death to our son. Take back your order please. He is our son after all.”
“Queen! He was our son but he no more is. He is the shame of the demonic race. Our duty is to wipe out the shame. He is a curse on our lives.”
“Please master…”
“Sometimes harsh measures are needed to set the things right. If any part of our body starts rotting and no cure works then it should be cut away to save the rest of the body. Today we are facing similar situation. This boy does not need any sympathy. He is rotten through and through. He is beyond any reform. You have yourself seen how he misbehaved.”
Queen Kayadhu had nothing to say.
The demonic guards looked reluctant in dealing harshly with the boy who looked so innocent. The command of the demon lord had to be carried out, hence the guards held Prahlada by his hands and led him away to the execution place.

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