The people of Israel forgot the teachings and preachings of Ehud, after his death. The people of Israel faced lots of cruelty under the hands of King Jubin, whose army chief was General Sisera. The King was quite powerful and had strong chariots and a big army. Deborah was a leader who used to sit under the palm tree to advise people. She called Barak, and said, “God has instructed to march forth the army against King Jubin and his army.” Barak knew the strength of General Sisera and said, “I will not march forth, unless you come with me.” He assembled the tribes on the top of the hill, where chariots couldn’t reach at all. “Go ahead, and God will help you to win the war today.” As expected the chariot couldn’t climb up, and instead of trapping the Israel, Sisera’s men found themselves surrounded by the people.