Deciphering the Language

Ratanraj continued, “When she nibbled the flower, it means she is the daughter of King Dantsen. She placed the lotus upon her heart to show how intensely she loves you.” Brajmukut was happy to hear this. He said, “Let us go to her.” Ratanraj replied, “Yes, we will go to Karnataka.” So, both the friends went to Karnataka. Ratanraj wanted to find someone who was a regular visitor to the palace. He found out about an old woman who was once the governess of Princess Padmavati. She could go and come to the palace as she pleased. Ratanraj met her and said to her, “Would you please convey our message to Princess Padmavati?” The woman replied, “What if she becomes angry?” Ratanraj said, “Nothing like that will ever happen.” After much persuasion, the old woman agreed to convey the message to the princess.

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