Delhi was named as Indraprashtha by the Pandavas and remained the capital of of Hindu kingdoms for thousands of years. The Muslim kings also made it their capital, though evry Muslim King rehabilitated it at a particular place around the walled city. For example, the present Delhi was founded by Shah Jahan. Red Fort was a gland palace. Delhi of Shah Jahan’s days was founded near Red Fort and Chandni Chowk. Chandni Chowk used to have a beautiful lake during the days of shahn Jahan. During the reign of Qutabudun-Aibak and Altumash, Delhi was sitruated around Qutab Minar and Mehrauli. When the Lodi Dynasty came in to power, ey made areas near lodi tombs and Lodi gardens as their official workplaces. The other Muslim kings settled in the places of their own choice. During the days of the Pandavas, Delhi was situated at Old Fort and the periphery.