Demons’ Chanting Hymns


Tenali knew that Thathacharya, the royal family teacher and priest, was angry with him. So he thought of encountering him with intelligence and wit. So he started learning about his weaknesses and, hence, bribed the night watchman to know the priest’s schedule after dusk. The watchman told him there was no schedule but he went to East Street at that night. Tenali reached the place before the priest and saw him walk into a sex worker’s house. The moment the priest came out, Tenali stood before him and blackmailed to tell his secret to everyone saying now he understood the meaning of the saying ‘Demons chanting hymns’. So the priest said Tenali could ask for anything he wished and so the latter asked to be carried on the priest’s shoulder. When they passed the king’s palace, he ordered to punish the person on shoulders. Hearing this, Tenali offered the priest to come on his shoulders. When the soldiers saw this, they started beating the priest up. When the king came and asked for explanation, the priest had to lie about being on Tenali’s shoulders for the fear of being exposed. Tenali won again.

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