Though the seventh son was safe yet, Devaki and Vasudeva felt grief for the loss of their six children. “How can I bear to see another child being killed by Kansa? Our seventh son is safe. It is our eighth son that I am fearful for now. Lord Vishnu Himself is to be born to us. But if evil Kansa finds out about Lord Vishnu’s birth, he will not spare Him. How can I bear the pain of losing my beloved son?” said a despairing Devaki. Lord Vishnu suddenly appeared in the prison cell. His radiant form lit up the cell. “Do not fear anything. Do not grieve, for your loss is soon to be avenged. I will be coming to save the people of Mathura from the evil clutches of Kansa. I will be born as your eighth child to rescue you from evil Kansa,” Lord Vishnu observed. He then told them how He would do so.
Devaki’s Despair