Vishampayana recited the Vyasa’s Mahabharata to King Janmejaya. The king asked him how the Pandavas treated Dhritarashtra after winning their kingdom. They treated him with great respect. Yudhishthira tried to keep him happy and never let him feel humiliated. He consulted Dhritarashtra on the matters of state, so that he might feel he was still the king. All comforts and luxuries were provided for him. Kunti was a companion to Gandhari and Draupadi served both of them with care and respect. Kripacharya provided company for Dhritarashtra and Vyasa told the stories of the olden days to comfort everyone. Everyone, including the Pandavas, had been instructed not to hurt the parents of the Kauravas by any word or action. Everyone carried out Yudhishthira’s orders. Only Bhima found it very difficult to control his anger. Occasionally, he would comment that the Kauravas deserved their destruction. This would cause great hurt and pain to Dhritarashtra and Gandhari.
Dhritarashtra’s Life