Ahantasur and his ministers killed all those who used to worship Ganesha or were caught worshipping Ganesha. The puzzled gods prayed to Lord Shiva to rescue them from the clutches of Ahantasur. Shiva asked them to worship Ganesha and chant the divine Ganesha’s Mantra. Ganesha took an altogether different avatar to deal with Ahantasur. This form was known as ‘Dhumravarn’. Dhumravarn appeared in Ahantasur’s dream and scared him. But the demon did not mend his ways. Instead, he kept on bothering the sages and the gods. Dhumravarn then instructed Narad to go and make Ahantasur understand the ill-effects of his wrong deeds. But Ahantasur, who was blinded with false pride, did not listen. Dhumravarn became furious and headed towards Ahantasur’s kingdom. He destroyed the entire army with one blow of his weapon, Ugrapash, the noose. Ahantasur got terrified, so he fell at Dhumravarn’s feet and prayed for forgiveness. Ahantasur was sent to the netherworld forever, as a punishment.