Multi-storeyed buildings or skyscrapers are built in big towns and cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.
There are many houses in a multi-storeyed building.
These houses are called flats or apartments.
Most people live in one place for a long time. They build permanent houses.
Some people keep moving from one place to another.
They live in temporary houses like a caravan or a tent.
Answer the following questions
1 What is another name for a multi-storeyed building?
(a) high building (b) sky-rocket (c) skyscraper (d) sky-limit
2 There are many _ in a multi-storeyed building. (a) houses (b) rivers (c) hills (d) rocks 3 Most people live in for a long time.
(a) Kaccha houses (b) Pucca houses (c) permanent houses (d) temporary houses
4 A _ is a temporary house.
(a) tent (b) flat (c) house (d) bungalow
5 Give the plural of ‘house’.