Different Ways for Drawing & Painting

After the development of your personality, I want that you should be talented also. If you don’t know proper drawing and painting, then also don’t worry. Here I am going to teach you many ways to draw and paint beautiful pictures through which you can surprise others.
Thumb Painting
Take some poster colour in a Palette. Dip your thumb or finger into it and print it on the drawing sheet as shown in the figure. Afterwards add details with brush or sketch pen.

Drawing on Black Pastel Paper
Draw a drawing of your choice on black pastel paper using poster and pastel colours.

Paper Collage
Cut coloured photos and images from the newspapers and magazines. Now paste these images on a drawing sheet in such a way that these show some scene or landscape. Add some details with poster colours or sketch pens.

Wax Crayons Painting
Draw an outline of a drawing with wax crayons. Fill the picture with the different coloured wax crayons. Now take black poster colour and apply all over space.

Spray Painting
Take a drawing sheet. Draw outline of the picture you want to paint. Cut the stencil of the picture. Take an old brush which is now not in use. Apply water colour on the brush. Put the stencil on another drawing sheet. Now spray on the blank, cut out area of the stencil with the help of your thumb and fingers.

Painting with Flow Technique
Wet your drawing sheet by spreading some water on the sheet. With a brush spread some poster colours on it. The colours will flow and give shading effect. Get it dry. Then with the help of a thin brush give an outline to your drawing.

Oil Painting with Knife
Take a blunt knife. Apply colours with it. Press the colour smoothly and then spread it with knife according to the picture drawn.

Tooth Pick Painting with Oil Pastels
Take a drawing sheet. Make boundaries of the paper in a rectangular shape. Using oil pastels including all dark shades along with black colour, colour the box thickly. You may overlap the colours. Now take any sharp edged stick like empty refill or a toothpick and draw the pictures.

Drawing with Eraser
Sharp your pencil and collect black powder of lead. Spread the powder of lead on a white drawing sheet with the help of cotton. Now take an eraser and rub the black grey colour from the scenery you have drawn.

Spray Paint
Spray water colour on a white or coloured drawing sheet. In this way spray different colours on different sheets. You can use mix colours also. Let the sprayed papers be dry and cut out the parts of your desired creature, scene or a design from the sprayed papers. Now stick the pieces on a new drawing sheet according to your picture. You may add some details when it dries up with pens or paint (eye etc).

Potato Painting
Cut a potato into two parts with a knife.With the help of pencil, draw a design of your choice. Scratch the design which you want to get on the sheet with the help of some sharp edged material or knife. Spread some water colour in a plate. Dip the scratched part of the potato in the colour and make design of your choice. Add details.

Shading with Stencil
1. Take a stencil
2. Scrap waste lead powder from the pencil point, take this powder in a cloth or cotton and make a pouch.
3. Keep your stencil on a paper and gently move the pouch in circular motion on the stencil.
4. Remove the stencil and see the beautiful design.

3-D Colouring
1. Draw a picture of your choice and colour it with water based pastel colours.
2. With a painting brush apply slowly a few drops of water on the colour and spread the colour. Merging of water with the colours gives the effect of water painting.
3. Let the water dry and give finishing touch with the pastel colours.

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