It was a bright day. The sky was clear. Dilly Dragonfly was flying about in the sky. After a while, he felt thirsty. So, he flew towards the pond. When he came over the pond, he looked down. Suddenly, he saw a little green arm waving up at him. Someone was shouting for help. Dilly recognized that someone to be Fred Frog. Dilly flew down to the surface of the water. He pulled Fred’s arm with all his might and pushed him onto a floating log. A grateful Fred said, “Thank you, Dilly! You saved my life.” “What happened?” asked Dilly. Fred told him, “I had been eating since morning. I became so heavy that I sank! But thank God; you came and saved me.” Dilly replied, “I am glad I was there to help you.” Then the two began to laugh. They became fast friends.
Dilly Rescues Fred