Disappearing Penny (Funky Physics Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Coin
  2. Transparent glass
  3. Water

We all have seen tricks where coins appear out of ears, noses and even from thin air! What if you could make a coin disappear in thin air?


  1. Take a coin and place it on the table.
  2. Place a transparent glass over the coin.
  3. If you look from the side of the glass, you will see the coin.
  4. Now take water and pour it into the glass.
  5. Once you have poured water till the brim, look from the side of the glass once again for the coin. Can you see it?


With the glass of water, if you look for the coin from the side, you will not be able to see it. It will have disappeared. However, when you look from the top, the coin will be visible. This happens because of the refraction of light. We can see images because of light rays reaching our eyes. Due to tightly knit water molecules, and the glass, the light rays from the coin are refracted and we cannot see the image of the coin.

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