
Diwali is called the festival of lights.
On this day Lord Rama had returned home after 14 years exile and the people of Ayodhya had celebrated his arrival by lighting up thousands of oil lamps. The same tradition is followed.
Hindu houses become aglitter with lit up candles, lamps and electric lights that twinkle in interesting patterns.
On the eve of Diwali, people buy utensils and ornaments of precious metals. The children get new dresses to wear on Diwali. People present each other packets of sweets and other items. The sweet sellers do roaring business. On the Diwali night people worship the goddess of wealth, Laxmi.
Then starts the fire works. The children start bursting crackers of various kinds, send up rockets, and light up various types of sparklers. It is boom-boom every where till late night.
Diwali makes a great day for children.

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