Do You Know How Much Strong Eggshells Are?

You must be known to the fact that it is the eggshells which protect growing chickens. If used for protection purpose, it means they are strong but to which extent, is really a less known fact. The eggshells are the outer covering made up of fertilized gamete which locates on the yolk surface and is surrounded by albumen. Chicken eggshells are seen to be 95-97% calcium carbonate crystals and are stabilized by a protein matrix.

The structure and composition of eggshells is of very strong nature because of which they protect, chickens inside them. An eggshell protects against microbial contamination, regulation of gas, water change for growing embryo, prevention of desiccation, etc. It allows the chick to get oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. Eggshells are also strong enough because of their dome shape. Such dome shape distributes the weight at the top to all parts of eggshells, so weight is balanced rightly.

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