Do You Know What Tears Are?

A report says that whether male or female they must cry once at least in month and when we cry tears come out. Tears are actually produced in lachrymal glands near the eyes and consist of water, mucous and oil. In tears, several hormones exist and prolactin is one of them which regulates the  moods of the person. Tears are of three types: first is basal which comes out to moisten our eyes, second one is reflex which comes out to flush our eyes and the last one is emotional tears which are related with our sadness, anger, etc.

Tears when come out because of physical pain or emotional pain, the body responses the same way. Generally, people think that tears are the signs of weakness but in reality, people, whose tears come out from time to time, are healthier than non-criers, so it is really good to cry.

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