Do You Know Why the Moon has Spots on it?

Beauty is always compared with the moon and it has a spot on it. The moon contains both.

Earlier, it was believed that dark patches on the moon are actually a large sea and so they named it ‘Maria’ but in reality, on the moon water is not found. These dark patches are actually because of rock called basalt which forms when lava gets cooled off and hardens later. These spots were caused when in past, at time of planet formation in the universe the moon faced heavy bombardment. The thing which struck the moon was big enough, so a large impact basin was created which was later flooded with hot volcano lava. Later, such lava cooled off and dark patches formed. Such patches cover 70% of the moon’s surface and at present, mostly on such part of the moon which faces the earth.

The light coloured parts on the moon’s surface are actually high ground of a rock anorthosite.

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