Dog Saves Girl from Kidnapper

Ameena was a little girl who lived with her mother and a dog. She called her dog Goofy. Ameena’s mother trusted Goofy to take care of Ameena when she left her alone. The brave and faithful dog had been with the family since Ameena was 2 years old baby. One day, Ameena’s mother told Goofy to take care of Ameena till she came back. Little Ameena was a restless child. Finding nothing to do, she walked out of the house. Goofy caught her skirt but she shoved him away and ran on the way. Ameena met a candy seller who was a wicked man. The candy seller showed Ameena some candies and asked her to follow her. As Ameena walked after the man, Goofy rushed from behind. He began to bark and grabbed the man’s right ankle with his teeth. The man ran away. Thus, Goofy, the brave dog, saved Ameena from the kidnapper.

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