Don’t Blame Others

Zoe was a young dinosaur who had just started going to school. She loved it there, every moment spent in school, amongst friends. Learning something gave Zoe great pleasure. One day, on her way to school, she passed by a beautiful garden, full of colourful and pretty flowers. Zoe couldn’t control the urge to pick one, but being a good child, she looked around for someone to seek permission from. Finding no one around, she plucked a flower, but the moment she did so, a yelling dinosaur came out of nowhere, followed by an older one. Scared, Zoe dropped the flower and apologised profusely. The older dinosaur smiled and replied, “If I didn’t want anyone plucking my flowers I should’ve put a sign about it. It’s not your fault; it’s mine and I never blame others for my own faults; you can take as many flowers as you like.”

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