Don’t Come in, Mulla!


One morning, Mulla Nasruddin was impatiently walking around in his courtyard. He wanted to go inside his house and lie on his cot to daydream. But his wife was scrubbing the floor inside! Then suddenly, a big thorn stuck in his foot and he screamed, “Eeeeeyaaa!” Mulla sat down and managed to pull the thorn out but his foot was bleeding badly. Gulzan, his wife, asked loudly, “Did you get kicked by the donkey?” According to her, the only mishap that could occur to her husband was being kicked by the donkey. Mulla moaned, “Aeee! A big thorn had stuck in my foot. Now, it is bleeding!” “Stay where you are. Don’t come in,” shouted his wife. “Will it help?” Mulla moaned. “I don’t know. But if you walk in, you will mess up the floor with your bleeding foot. I have just finished mopping up,” said his wife. Mulla looked at the sky, unable to believe what he just heard!

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