Douglas Carl Engelbart

Douglas Carl Engelbart was born on 30 January, 1925, in Portland, USA. He is an American inventor of the computer mouse and the development of hypertext, networked computers and precursors to graphical user interface (GUI). From the beginning he was working on the human computer interaction  devices. That’s why the result came out in the form of a computer mouse. He is also known as the Internet founder. He has got so many awards till today. In 2000, he was awarded with the National Medal of Technology by the then US president Bill Clinton. In 1997, he was awarded with Lemelson-MIT Prize. This is the world’s largest single prize for the creations. Thereafter, he received improvements, Turning Award, Computer History Museum Fellow Award and many more.

The 85th birthday of Douglas Carl Engelbart was celebrated at the Tech Museum of Innovation. In 1988, he opened a institute which deals with the Engelbart’s philosophy for boosting collective IQs.  

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