Draupadi’s hair got dishevelled as a result. Seeing her miserable condition she yelled, “O Mean! Don’t you feel ashamed of pulling me like this? Damn it! Shame an you and your Bharata dynasty!” Draupadi addressed the assembly thus, “O Council! What right did Yudhishthira have to stake me when he lost himself?” Vikarna, the younger brother of Duryodhana, supported Draupadi’s words.
Ignoring him Duryodhana ordered Dushasana to disrobe Draupadi. In despair, Draupadi prayed to all present there but none came to her rescue. Even King Dhritrashtra observed silence. Now Draupadi in her heart prayed to Krishna to save her honour. A miracle happened as Krishna heard her appeal. Dushasana kept drawing her robe in a never-ending stream. The more he pulled at Draupadi’s saree, the more it got extended.
Finally, he sat down, exhausted. All the members of the council praised Draupadi for her chastity. Seeing the insult heaped upon Draupadi, Bhima could not sit still. He was already in a rage and announced thus, “I won’t be called a Kshatriya if I fail to pull off the hands that touched Draupadi’s saree and hair and drink blood after tearing off the chest of Dushasana. I am under control of my brother Yudhishthira, otherwise I will crush the Kauravas.”
Draupadi also vowed to wash and comb her hair with Dushasana’s blood. Hearing this Duryodhana mocked them all saying, “O Draupadi! I shall make you my queen. Come here and be seated on my left thigh. Give up the compay of these Pandavas.” Hearing these words Bhima got up to do away with Duryodhana but Arjuna stopped him. Thereupon Bhima announced, “If I fail to tear off Duryodhana’s thigh, I will not be called son of Pandu.” Terrible ill-omens occurred. Howling of jackals and barking of dogs were heard.

Dhritrashtra was frightened out of his wits. Realising that his sons were going to be punished, Dhritrashtra stopped them from inflicting any more insult and talked sweetly to Draupadi. He addressed Duryodhana saying, “O Duryodhana! You have gone mad. All in all, Draupadi is my daughter-in-law. How dare you insult her in the assembly?”
Thereafter he ordered everything be returned to the Pandavas. He also freed them all from the slavery of Duryodhana. Thus the Pandavas returned to Indraprastha.