Materials Required:
l Matches
l Newspaper
l Tall drinking glass
l Pail
l Water
The help of one of your parents
Can you dunk some matches in water and still be able to use them?
- Wrap a few matches in a small scrap of newspaper. Crumple the newspaper and poke it to the bottom of a tall drinking glass. The paper should remain in the bottom when the glass is turned upside down.
- Fill a pail, or other deep container, with water. Hold the glass upside down and push it straight down to the bottom of the pail. Make sure you don’t tip the glass sideways.
- Now, remove the glass, take out the newspaper, and unwrap the matches. The newspaper and the matches are dry! Prove it by asking one of your parents to strike the matches.
This Is What Happens:
When you pushed the glass into the water, the glass was not really empty. It was full of air. This volume of air prevented water from entering the glass, and the paper and matches remained dry.