A worried Shiva came forward to help his son. He pulled out his divine serpent and placed it over Ganesh’s stomach. The holy powers of the serpent also didn’t relieve Ganesha from the pain. Everyone was concerned now. The gods then called upon all the sages from the universe. In a short while, eighty-thousand sages came there. When they saw Ganesha suffering from the burning sensation and acting restless, they placed exactly twenty-one shoots of Durva plant and chanted sacred mantras. Immediately, the burning sensation stopped! Ganesha’s body became cool and felt relaxed. “Now, I feel much better! Thank you so much, wise sages,” he said with a smile. Ganesha then declared that anyone who offered him Durva grass would be blessed. “Those who offer Durva shoots to me shall attain purity and all their sins shall be forgiven. Even if a devotee does not offer me flowers, I would bless him if he offers me Durva grass,” he said. So, no ritual for Ganesha is considered complete if Durva grass is not offered to him.
Durva Grass Cures Ganesha