Many people carried the news of the Pandavas to Dhritarashtra. He was frightened as he heard Arjuna had returned with divine weapons. But his sons, along with Shakuni and Karna, wanted to see the Pandavas and mock at their misery. Reaching Dwaitavana, they found that Chitrasena, the Gandharva Chief, had already set up a camp at a lake near the Pandavas’ hermitage. Duryodhana and the Kauravas attacked the gandharva camp but were finally defeated by Chitrasena. He took Duryodhana and the ladies as captives. Karna and Shakuni ran and escaped. When the Pandavas heard a cry from Duryodhana, Bhima was happy, because he felt that Duryodhana had got what he deserved. But Yudhishthira sent Bhima and Arjuna to help Duryodhana. Chitrasena respected them, and he told them that Duryodhana had come to mock at them. He went with them to Yudhishthira and explained that he had been sent by Indra to protect the Pandavas against the mockery of Duryodhana.
Duryodhana’s Capture