Duryodhana’s Vaishnav Yajna

Duryodhana wished to hold a Rajasuya Yajna but the learned Brahmins advised him that he was not entitled to holding the Rajasuya Yajna till Yudhishthira and Dhritrashtra were alive. Acting on their suggestion he decided to hold a Vaishnav Yajna. Meanwhile sage Durvasa with his disciples reached Duryodhana’s palace. Pleased with the hospitality of Duryodhana the sage requested him to seek a boon.
He suggested that sage Durvasa should visit the Pandavas in the forest, like he had visited him. Moreover, the sage with his disciples should reach there after the Pandavas and Draupadi had taken their meals.
Sage Durvasa accepted the request of Duryodhana. When the Pandavas’ exile began, the Sun-god gave Yudhishthira a magical vessel, Akshayapatra, so that they might never be hungry. It could feed any number of guests at mealtime.
As per the boon, after Draupadi had eaten, it would remain empty till the next meal. Sage Durvasa had reached just after the meal was over, so the Akshayapatra was empty. It would not refill till the next meal. Sage Durvasa’s request for the meals left the Pandavas worried. In the meantime, the sage with his disciples went to the river-bank to have a bath. If the sage returned hungry, he would surely curse them. Thinking so, Draupadi was utterly worried. She prayed to Krishna, who appeared before her.

Krishna said to Draupadi, “O Sister! Please bring the Akshayapatra here.” When Draupadi brought the vessel, Krishna saw a vegetable leaf stuck to one side of the vessel. Putting the leaf inside the mouth he said, “May this leaf satisy the hunger of the entire world!” Thereafter Krishna said to Sahadeva, “O Dear! Go and bring the sage with his disciples for meals.” When Sahadeva searched on the river-bank, there was none.
When Krishna spoke the words after putting the leaf inside the mouth, the sage with his disciples was offering an evening prayer standing in the water. All of a sudden, the sage felt as if his stomach had been full. So, he with his disciples slipped away from there. Sahadeva returned and related the entire story to Yudhishthira. Thus Draupadi’s devotion to Krishna saved them from a grave plight.

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