On the sixteenth day, Duryodhana appointed Shalya, king of Madra, Commander-in-chief. The war resumed. Bhima was doing away with the rest of Duryodhana’s brothers. Sahadeva sent Shakuni to the abode of the Death-god. Yudhishthira and Shalya were engaged in a fierce battle. Both the maternal uncle and the nephew were adept at throwing javelins. Finally, Yudhishthira killed him. The Kaurava camp was bereft of warriors. Now Duryodhana was all alone.
So, Duryodhana reached Gandhari. She had been gifted with a divine vision that could heal or protect or scorch a person, depending on her thoughts. And she wished to protect her son, Duryodhana, as most of her other sons were dead.
Gandhari told Duryodhana to have a bath and come before her without his clothes on so that her powerful divine vision might provide him with a protective shield for the battle with Bhima. Krishna learnt about her plan. As Duryodhana was walking undressed towards her camp after his bath, Krishna said, “Shouldn’t you cover your hip-region with something before going in front of your mother?”
Duryodhana could not understand Krishna’s cleverness; he wrapped some banana-leaves around his hip-region. When Gandhari uncovered her eyes, in despair she saw that Duryodhana had covered his hip-region with the leaves. Her plan had failed. When she came to learn of Krishna’s trick, She was sad. Despite the loss of his friends and brothers, Duryodhana did not change his attitude.

Duryodhana set free all his soldiers. He took his mace and seething with anger walked towards Dwaipayan pond to hide himself. The Pandavas followed him there and challenged him. He said that he had nothing left to live for, so they could have the kingdom. Yudhishthira said that more important than the kingdom was their honour; he must pay with his life for their dishonour.
Hearing the words Duryodhana appeared out of the pond and challenged all the four Pandavas to have battle with him one by one. Then Bhima came forward to give battle to him. Both of them were highly skilled warriors. When Bhima attacked Duryodhana, the latter felt happy. Bhima kept on striking Duryodhana but to no avail. When Bhima was utterly tired, Duryodhana struck Bhima with his mace.