The lunar dynasty was the chief clan of the Kshatriyas. According to the Puranas, Atri originated from Patriarch Brahma, Moon from Atri, Budha from Moon, Pururava from Budha, Aayu from Pururava, Nahush from Aayu and Yayati originated from Nahush. Their dynasties were carried forward in comprehensive way. The youngest son of Yayati was named Puru. King Dushyanta was the descendant of Puru. One day, he was hunting in the forest when he came upon Shakuntala and was infatuated with her. Following her, he reached the hermitage of sage Kanva. Upon inquiry, the sage told him about Shakuntala.
Once heaven, abode of Indra who was chief of gods, began to shake owing to the austere penance done by the great Sage Vishwamitra. Menaka had been sent by King Indra to disturb the meditation of the great sage with her beauty. She succeeded and a daughter was born to them. Thereafter sage Vishwamitra underwent penance; Menaka left the infant on the banks of river Malini and returned to her abode.
Sage Kanva found the new-born girl there, protected by two shakunta birds. Naming her Shakuntala, he brought her up as his daughter. Having known all about the girl King Dushyanta married Shakuntala. After living together for several days, King Dushyanta went back to his palace promising her to return. He handed over a ring to Shakuntala. The ring bore the king’s name. Shakuntala was in the family way.

Ond day, sage Durvasa visited the hermitage of sage Kanva. Shakuntala, lost in thoughts of King Dushyanta, was inattentive to him. The angry sage cursed her that whoever she was thinking of would forget her. On her way to the king’s palace by ferry, Shakuntala’s ring fell into the river and was swallowed by a fish. Due to the sage’s curse, King Dushyanta did not recognise her. So, she returned to the ashrama where their son, Bharata, was born. One day, a fisherman found the ring inside a fish. He took the ring to the king, who remembered his past.
He went to the forest to meet Shakuntala and found a boy playing with a lion’s cub. The boy was the son of King Dushyanta and Shakuntala — Bharata. Later on, Bharata became a great king. The Kauravas and the Pandavas were his descendants.