Edmundo Saves His Father’s Life

Edmundo lived with his parents in an upscale area of Sao Paulo. Every year, they used to go to the hills and stay in a secluded cottage. There were no shops or neighbours near by. Edmundo and his family enjoyed their stay there. One day, they heard an announcement on the radio that a severe storm was expected. Edmundo’s father went outside to check whether there was some danger to the house. Unfortunately, he slipped and fell. He hurt himself badly. Edmundo’s mother could see that a doctor was needed immediately, but the nearest doctor lived an hour away. Edmundo’s father was in great pain and needed medical attention. Edmundo volunteered to bring the doctor. He went out in the raging storm and hiked over the hills, until he reached the doctor. By then, the storm had abated and the doctor came back with him. Thanks to Edmundo, his father was saved.

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